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1948. There is an Air parade in Tushino airfield dedicated to the Day of Air Fleet. Attention of viewers were attracted by car on the load platform hosting... helicopter. He flied off making a circle over the airfield and sat down again on the platform. The Creator of a "flying motorcycle" (as it was called by the journalists) was Nikolay Ilyich Kamov. Single helicopter with a motorcycle engine with two coaxial bearing screws rotating in opposite directions was Kamov`s new design.

22.12.2013 01:43/читать дальше...

Experimental-design Bureau of Mil was created in 1947. By this time the team of the design Bureau completed a draft of single-screw aircraft. The first flight of the helicopter was completed in 1948. He successfully passed flight and state tests: the machine is well hung, demonstrated high maneuverability and satisfactory stability. In 1950 mass production of first helicopter of the country began. It was named MI-1.

22.12.2013 01:42/читать дальше...

In 1924 the 18-year-old Alexander Yakovlev together with his friends built a glider AWF-10. Unsuccessful flights at a rally of the gliders in the Crimea determined the fate of the future designer.

22.12.2013 01:42/читать дальше...

Design Bureau was created in 1946. It focuses mainly on creating transport aircraft. The founder of a numerous family of aircraft with the brand "AN" is a well known agricultural aircraft An-2. In subsequent years transport aircraft An-8, An-12, An-24Т, An-22 and An-26, passenger An-10, An-24 aircraft of short take-off and landing An-14, An-28, aerial photography An-30 and others were in the air one after another. On the basis of these aircraft more than 80 specialized modifications has established.

22.12.2013 01:42/читать дальше...

Experimental design Bureau was established in 1933 under the direction of Ilyushin. First military aircraft created by Bureau are the long-range bomber IL-4 and the armored attack plane IL-2 which are forever inscribed in the history of World War II.

22.12.2013 01:41/читать дальше...

Experimental design Tupolev`s Bureau emerged in 1922.

From the first years of its existence the design Bureau became the pioneer of the Soviet aviation industry to develop fullmetal aircraft.

22.12.2013 01:41/читать дальше...