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Home Articles S.V.Ilyushin Bureau

S.V.Ilyushin Bureau

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22.12.2013 01:41

Experimental design Bureau was established in 1933 under the direction of Ilyushin. First military aircraft created by Bureau are the long-range bomber IL-4 and the armored attack plane IL-2 which are forever inscribed in the history of World War II.

In the postwar years Ilyushin`s Bureau began to work in the field of jet aviation. The experimental IL-22 was one of the first in USSR jets. In 1946 it was tested on training missions of reactive aircrafts including the proposed by Bureau layout engines in the gondolas on pylons under the wing. It was subsequently used on the IL-76, IL-86, IL-96.

Ilyushin started the development of passenger aircraft in 1943 despite the huge workload for the needs of the front. As a result IL-12 became such aircraft. It had risen in the sky in 1946.

In 1947 IL-18 aircraft was created. It was equipped with four piston engines AL-73 capacity of 2400 HP designed by А.Shvetsov with a takeoff weight of 42 tonnes. Passenger cabin was designed for 60 passengers. Non-stop range of flight reached 2600 km at a cruising speed of 500 km/h and a maximum speed of 588 km/hour.

In April 1959 turbo-propeller aircraft IL-18 began transportation of passengers. Its construction and technical and economical characteristics had nothing in common with its predecessor except for some of the geometrical sizes: area of the wing and fuselage diameter.

In the 60s the design Bureau began to work on IL-62. It was a plane with the location of the engine in the rear fuselage which gave the opportunity to use aerodynamically “clean” wing characterized by a higher quality, to apply effective runway mechanization and to achieve a substantial reduction of noise in the cabin increasing the level of comfort.

In connection with the increased cargo and passenger flow it was established average mainline aircraft of large passenger capacity IL-86 with over 350 passengers and Il-76 cargo plane with broad body and a spacious cargo cabin for transportation of various types of civil machinery.

Wide body long haul passenger airplane Il-96-300 has unique airframe. There are the latest engineering solutions incorporated in aerodynamic layout, design and different systems ensuring a high level of safety and efficiency of aircraft operation. Il-96-300 meets the international ecological requirements and can operate in all regions of the globe, including high altitude aerodromes.

Il-96-300 can take on board up to 300 passengers. The crew is 3. Modern materials allow to reduce the mass of the aircraft while ensuring the required strength and rigidity. The fuselage of the big diameter provides passengers with a new level of comfort on long haul flights. A new wing provides reliable and safe flying in entire operating range of speeds.

This airplane has not got fixed resources so it contributes to the reduction of time for technical maintenance that is especially important at high workload of the modern airlines.